Online Courses

Intermediate Microeconomics with Orbit

The First Video

At Iowa State University, I taught intermediate microeconomics for four years. During the pandemic, I created an online version of the course, partnering with Andy Matuschak to build the course around the beta version of Orbit, his spaced repetition platform. The course site consists of an entire set of course lectures, broken down into short mini-lectures, and hundreds of related review cards. The Orbit platform develops a personalized review schedule to help remember content.

Just an image – go to the website if you want to actually review!

The Economics of Ideas, Science and Innovation PhD Short Course

In November 2022, I helped create and teach a free six-week online short course on the economics of innovation, open to anyone in the world who had completed a first year economics PhD sequence, or equivalent. The team behind this course was Pierre Azoulay, Ina Ganguli, Benjamin Jones, and Heidi Williams. The course was hosted by the Institute for Progress. The inaugural class included over 80 students.

My slides, on science as an open economic institution, are available here. The rest of the course slides are available here – scroll down to the course schedule. We offered the course again in the Spring of 2023.

Economics of Innovation Undergraduate Class

This is a course I taught at Iowa State University, so sadly, it is not an online course. But I am posting some of the course resources here. The course was intended for undergraduates with a minimum economic background, framed around the question “Will innovation solve humanity’s most important challenges?” Each class covered a relevant topic through the lens of recent scholarship. The course reading list is available here.

I wrote a small number of explainers of famous papers to serve as course readings: